Lenny’s Newsletter—The #1 business newsletter on Substack

Every week, I tackle reader questions about product, growth, career growth, and anything else that’s stressing you out at the office. Paid subscribers get the weekly post, and an invite to a subscriber-only Slack community (15k+ members strong!). Non-paid subscribers get one free monthly post.

The Best of Lenny’s Newsletter

Building product

  1. Mission → Vision → Strategy → Goals → Roadmap → Task

  2. My favorite product management templates

  3. How Figma builds product

  4. How to develop product sense

  5. Prioritizing a roadmap

  6. Getting better at product strategy

  7. How to get better at influence

  8. The Minto Pyramid Principle and the SCR framework

  9. The top 5 things PMs should know about engineering

  10. The nature of product, with Marty Cagan (Silicon Valley Product Group)

  11. Five big ideas, with Shreyas Doshi (Stripe, Twitter, Google)

Go-to-market (GTM)

  1. How to kickstart and scale a consumer business

  2. How to kickstart and scale a marketplace business

  3. How the biggest consumer apps got their first 1,000 users

  4. How the fastest-growing B2B businesses found their first 10 customers

  5. The Racecar Growth Framework

  6. GTM motions of 30 B2B SaaS companies

  7. Positioning

  8. Generating buzz

  9. Picking a wedge

  10. Finding your distribution advantage

Growth strategy

  1. Improving retention

  2. Improving conversion

  3. Increasing virality

  4. Building a referrals program

  5. Winning at content-driven growth

  6. Winning at SEO

  7. How to win in consumer subscription

  8. B2B growth, with Elena Verna (Amplitude, Miro, SurveyMonkey)

  9. The ultimate guide to SEO, with Ethan Smith (Graphite)

  10. Developing a growth model and marketplace growth strategy, with Dan Hockenmaier (Faire, Thumbtack, Reforge)

  11. How to build a powerful marketing machine, with Emily Kramer (Asana, Carta, MKT1)

Benchmarks and metrics

  1. What is good retention

  2. What is good monthly churn

  3. What is a good payback period

  4. What is a good activation rate

  5. How to determine your activation metric

  6. How to measure cohort retention

  7. What is a good growth rate

  8. Choosing your north-star metric

  9. The most important bottom-up SaaS metrics to track

  10. The most important marketplace metrics to track

  11. The most important consumer metrics to track

  12. The most important consumer subscription metrics to track

Product-market fit

  1. How to know if you’ve got product-market fit

  2. What it feels like when you’ve found product-market fit

  3. How long it takes to find product-market fit

  4. How to validate your startup idea


  1. What is product management

  2. How to get into product management (and thrive)

  3. Should I become a product manager?

  4. Becoming a senior product manager

  5. Surviving as the first product manager

  6. Product management career ladders

  7. A comprehensive survey of product management

  8. Managing up

  9. How to know when to stop

  10. My favorite PM courses

  11. What it takes to become a top 1% PM, with Ian McAllister (Uber, Amazon, Airbnb)


  1. My favorite PM interview questions

  2. Six rules of hiring for growth

  3. 14 habits of highly effective product managers

  4. How to know if you’re doing a good job as a product manager

  5. When to hire your first product manager

  6. How to interview product managers

  7. The 10 commandments of salary negotiation

Startups and leadership

  1. How to fire people with grace, work through fear, and nurture innovation, with Matt Mochary (CEO coach)

  2. How Notion leveraged community to build a $10B business, with Camille Ricketts (Notion, First Round Capital)

  3. How Snyk built a product-led growth juggernaut, with Ben Williams (VP of Product at Snyk)

  4. An inside look at how the New York Times builds product, with Alex Hardiman (CPO at the New York Times)

  5. Startup to exit: Lessons from a first-time founder

  6. How to activate your investor network

  7. Fundraising

  8. A founder’s guide to community

  9. Increasing team velocity

  10. The secret to a great planning process

  11. The Power of Performance Reviews: Use This System to Become a Better Manager


  1. The art and science of pricing, with Madhavan Ramanujam (Monetizing Innovation, Simon-Kucher)

  2. Pricing your SaaS product, by Patrick Campbell

  3. Going freemium, adding a trial, business model disruption, and more


  1. Founder-led sales, with Pete Kazanjy (Founding Sales, Atrium)

  2. The Transition: Layering sales onto a bottom-up self-serve product, by Pete Kazanjy

  3. How to hit revenue targets in a recession, with Sahil Mansuri (Bravado)

✍️ Posting schedule

Paid subscribers receive a brand new post every Tuesday morning (PT time), plus a Community Wisdom post (summarizing the best conversations in the Slack community) every Saturday morning. Unpaid subscribers receive roughly one email a month.

As a paid subscriber, you also get an invite to a subscriber-only Slack community, access to a private hand-curated directory of resources, discounts, product coaches, and recruiters, and more. All for $150 per year.

Many readers expense the newsletter out of their learning and development budget. Here’s an email you can send your manager.

PTO policy: Each year, I take four weeks off. During those weeks, you may receive no new posts. The time off is important in helping me recharge and write better stuff for the rest of the year ✨

Subscribe to Lenny's Newsletter

A weekly advice column about building product, driving growth, and accelerating your career.


Writing • Angel investing • Advising
Student of products. I write to learn, share and meet kindred spirits ✨.